On 22nd July 1947, our constituent assembly adopted our national flag, just 23 days before our independence from British empire, respecting our flag is one of the fundamental duties under Part IV-A article 51A(a) and specifications of our flag are mentioned in India flag code 2002

Some interesting facts about our flag
Our present flag is based on Swaraj flag which was earlier adopted in 1931
Design of our flag was given by Indian freedom fighter Pingali Venkayya
As per earlier law our national flag should be made in handspun Khadi material, now after amendment to flag code 2002 in 2022 it can be made of polyester and machine made
Width to length ratio is defined as 2:3
It is called as Tiranga and consists of three colours Saffron in top, White along with Ashoka Chakra in middle and Green in bottom, where saffron represents strength and courage, white represents peace, green represents prosperity and growth
The Navy-blue wheel in middle contains 24 spokes
President unfurls the flag on Republic Day
Prime minister hoists the flag on Independence Day
Bhikaji Rustom Cama was the first Indian who raised Indian flag on foreign soil
Legal provisions regarding national flag
Emblems and names (Prevention of improper use) act, 1950
Prevention of insults to national honor act, 1971
Flag code of India 2002
Our former PM Jawaharlal Nehru said, "Our flag represents the dynamic quality of India today which we hope and trust, will be directed towards the betterment and liberation of the masses of this country"