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Indian Civil Service | Brief history, Facts & Provisions | M Ajay Jenix | The New Indian Society

During British rule, Lord Warren Hastings laid the foundation for Civil Services in India, however Charles Cornwallis is considered as "Father of Civil Services in India" for the reform efforts done by him

Earlier Civil Service was based on "Patronage system", during 1854 Macaulay Committee gave recommendations for permanent merit based civil service through competitive exams, based on his recommendations since 1855 recruitments to ICS was made on merit, initially candidates from Oxford and Cambridge were only considered thus it is considered as "Elite service"

During 1922 immediately after setting up of "Federal public service commission" Civil Service Exam began to be held in India under FPSC however exam was also conducted in London by Civil service commission, existing model of Indian Civil Service formed after our independence 1947

Our first PM Jawaharlal Nehru considered Indian Civil Service as "Colonial service" as he was more inspired by Soviet Socialist model of administration, in his autobiography PM Nehru devoted one chapter to describe the moral revulsion role played by civil services during that time. But civil services in later stages since 1970's to present times had evolved far better with more public purpose.

Some Interesting facts about Indian Civil Service

  1. Satyendranath Tagore was the first person to qualify for Indian Civil Service in 1863 and join in 1864

  2. R.Pillai was the first person to serve the post of Cabinet Secretary during 1950-1953

  3. Indian Civil Services offer 24 different services

  4. First woman to become IAS officer was Anna Rajam George from state of Kerala

  5. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel referred civil servants as "Steel frame of India" while addressing civil servants on April 21, 1947

  6. April 21 is observed as Civil Services day in India

  7. Kiran Bedi is the first Women IPS Officer

  8. Beno Zephine NL is the first fully visually blind IFS Officer from state of Tamilnadu

Legal Provisions regarding Indian Civil Services

  1. Indian Civil Services Act, 1861

  2. Part XIV of Indian Constitution

  3. Article 309 - Recruitment and conditions of services of persons serving the Union or State

  4. Article 310 - Tenure of Office of Persons under Union & State

  5. Article 311- Dismissal, removal or reduction in rank of persons

  6. Article 312 - All India Services

  7. Article 312A - Power of Parliament to vary or revoke conditions of service of officers of certain services

  8. Article 313 - Transitional Provisions


Discipline and United action are the real source of strength for nation

- Lal Bahadur Shastri



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