In present day "Indian rupee" is printed by "Security printing and minting corporation of India limited", initially after independence colonial notes were used between the time of after-independence and time before we established our nation as Republic nation, the new design of "One-Rupee" notes came during 1949
After 1949 there was a dilemma situation to replace King's portrait by Mahatma Gandhi or Lion capital of Sarnath, finally during 1950 Rupee-two, Rupee-five, Rupee-ten & Rupee-hundred were released with Lion capital of Sarnath
Again later during 1969 based on considerations of centenary birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, new rupee notes issued with Mahatma Gandhi along with Sevagram Ashram at the backdrop

During 2010, our government officially adopted rupee sign which is a combination of Devanagiri letter "₹" and Roman letter "R", where parallel line in the sign symbolise India flag and our government desire to reduce economic disparity.

Some interesting facts regarding Indian Rupee
India Rupee follow decimal system, which was established in 1957
Indian Rupee devalued for first time during September 1949
Earlier 17 languages were displayed in Indian currency, contemporarily 15 languages are displayed
RBI follow "Minimum reserve system" for issuance of currency
Earlier during 1954 to 1978, 10,000 rupee note was in circulation
Indian Rupee is specially made from pulp containing cotton, balsam, special dyes & gelatin or polyvinyl alcohol to increase life of notes & strength
Legal provisions regarding Indian Rupee
Reserve bank of India act, 1934
Paper currency act of 1861
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